Let me see, as best as I can,
With perspective from a Jesus lens.
Loving others regardless of means,
Status high or low, opponent or friend.
To notice beauty and blessings,
in the simplest of things:
the bud of a flower blossom,
the sound of dawn as birds sing.
To pause and look around,
and wonder at the work of your hand;
And see amazing testimonies,
of your design throughout the land.
Let me see as best as I can,
And look after things with Jesus eyes.
While gathering with others,
Loving them without disguise.
Seeking You first and always,
in every thing and situation to find,
Your Glory, presence and majesty,
At times overpowering my mind.
Rather than asking you to show yourself,
I need only to open my eyes to see:
The miracles of life and living
Thank you, Lord, for setting me free.
Photo on Pixabay by Gellinger
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